The Rogue Valley has so much to offer. Physical beauty in the hills around us, world-class Shakespeare theatre, delightful dining and stimulating academic classes. Why should any of us take the time to be involved in the local music scene? Perhaps the simple (and best) answer is that we don't want to miss the magic. Music lifts our spirits and takes us to a higher place. It can whisk us away from the little mundane problems and soothe our souls. We are all inherently musical and often our musicality longs to be translated into performance skills. Then the practical "perks" begin to appear and include self-discipline, self-esteem, improved mental skills (eg. verbal, number, perceptual and spatial) and increased motor proficiency. The magic in music balances us, young and old alike. The movement patterns in music add emotion and attention to reason and logic and whether we are producing music or listening to it, we are enhanced. Leaving a rehearsal or concert, we notice that we are laughing and rejuvenated and we feel alive again.
The wonderful thing about Rogue Valley musical activities is that there is a myriad to choose from and they serve both participants and listeners. Valley residents may choose to join ensembles, attend concerts, teach music, sign up for music lessons or workshops, perform at parties, take up lessons as retirees, or learn how to make instruments. But whatever is chosen, the doers and observers, young and old alike, discover that by being part of the Rogue Valley music scene, they add to their lives something more of being human. The ancient philosophers claimed that music is in harmony with the cosmos itself. It is, at the very least, definitely in harmony with the Rogue Valley.